
Current Blogs
FMP Design Practice - My ideas and development for each of the briefs that I am working on for my final project of my 3rd year

Design Context - The designers, work, processes and existing products that I am looking at the gain inspiration and help to inform my design work

Personal Professional Development - Documentation of my professional development over the course of my 3rd year

Bread and Butterflies - This blog remains the homepage/hub of all my blogs, as well as acting as an area that I use for posting stuff that doesn't relate directly to my design work.

Idle Blogs
3rd Year Module 1 Design Practice

Thursday 17 January 2008


We have been having Photoshop workshops lately, so that we all know how to use all of its features. It has an awful lot of features...

During our lessons we have been messing with gradients and layers and other overlays and cool stuff, aswell as having to learn about shapes and changing colours and the other more simple stuff. These are a couple of the pieces that I have "produced" during these sessions from what we've been taught.

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