
Current Blogs
FMP Design Practice - My ideas and development for each of the briefs that I am working on for my final project of my 3rd year

Design Context - The designers, work, processes and existing products that I am looking at the gain inspiration and help to inform my design work

Personal Professional Development - Documentation of my professional development over the course of my 3rd year

Bread and Butterflies - This blog remains the homepage/hub of all my blogs, as well as acting as an area that I use for posting stuff that doesn't relate directly to my design work.

Idle Blogs
3rd Year Module 1 Design Practice

Sunday 30 November 2008

Strange Comparison...

I was looking at the design by build website [] and found this design for a CD case. The first thing I noticed was its strange resemblance to the cover of 'How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul'...i realise that it's not exactly the same, but I think that the layout is pretty similar.

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