
Current Blogs
FMP Design Practice - My ideas and development for each of the briefs that I am working on for my final project of my 3rd year

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Idle Blogs
3rd Year Module 1 Design Practice

Saturday 25 October 2008


At my interim crit, it was mentioned that I really needed to focus in on the actual wellies - rather than a person wearing them, or the countryside etc. So, I have been 'brainstorming' and come up with a few ideas that will hopefully give me a platform for the next stage (designing stage) of this brief.

I have considered using close up photos do depict each season, and produce a booklet/leaflet for each season;

Flat example of leaflet content and cover

Example of each season cover

These were considered a strong outcome for my brief, but need some work, and would also need to be used for a poster outcome.

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