
Current Blogs
FMP Design Practice - My ideas and development for each of the briefs that I am working on for my final project of my 3rd year

Design Context - The designers, work, processes and existing products that I am looking at the gain inspiration and help to inform my design work

Personal Professional Development - Documentation of my professional development over the course of my 3rd year

Bread and Butterflies - This blog remains the homepage/hub of all my blogs, as well as acting as an area that I use for posting stuff that doesn't relate directly to my design work.

Idle Blogs
3rd Year Module 1 Design Practice

Monday 4 May 2009

OUGD203: Homebase - Product Research...

I've had a look at the other grow your own sorts of products that are currently available. This range by Burgon and Ball seem to be the only ones with a design created since the early nineties (everything else is about 5 different colours and has horrific type). However, this range uses just one image, repeated throughout the range, and overall it is very expensive. It focuses more on the tools and equipment, rather than the plants or seeds for growing.

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